Conventional learning materials such as textbooks are usually easy to find. If you're interested in the type of texts used in the schools, you can check with your local school district or county office of education to see if they have a curriculum library. Sometimes access to such libraries is limited to public school teachers, but often the public is also allowed to peruse school materials there. Media and technology centers, from which laboratory equipment, films, video and audio equipment and tapes, or computer hardware and software can be borrowed. Availability to homeschoolers will depend on state and district regulations.
Your area may also have a used book depository, where textbooks, library books, and equipment no longer used by area schools can be purchased for thrift-store prices or are free for the taking. Old encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference books are fairly common but are far outnumbered by the literature: historical novels, literary classics, just plain good reading. Some educational publishers will ask for a school purchase order or for an order on your school letter head. Others are happy to sell textbooks to home-schoolers but draw the line at teachers' guides and answer keys. Some refuse to deal with homeschoolers at all, but a few educational publishers, such as Follett, have set up divisions specifically to serve the homeschool market.
Also worth checking out are local teacher supply stores. Most homeschoolers will not be interested in the endless racks of seasonal bulletin board decorations and "Great Job!" stickers, but many such stores also carry lots of supplementary materials for science, math, and literature. Usually, you'll also find an assortment of paper and other consumables: colored construction paper, newsprint both blank and ruled for various grade levels, poster and finger paints, pens, and pencils. Dozens of catalog businesses are aimed at the home schooling market - with more popping up every day. Some mainly carry books about homeschooling; others carry mainly curricular materials.
Recently, as homeschooling has become more popular and well-known, larger companies have entered the market, some carrying materials previously unavailable directly to homeschoolers and others carrying the more popular products of smaller companies but undercutting their prices. If you tend to enjoy the more obscure resources, you might want to make a point of patronizing the smaller companies, even for those items available elsewhere, just to help keep those interesting but obscure items available.
A relatively new dement in the homeschooling market in recent years are the independent dealers. Dorling Kindersley and Usborne Books are especially active in the homeschooling market, fueled largely by homeschooling parents who sell the books to afford to buy all the volumes they want for themselves.
Jumat, 17 November 2017
Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017
A Survey of Collection and Services of Medical College Libraries
A Survey of Collection and Services of Medical College Libraries in Uttar Pradesh: Prospects, Problems and Proposal for their Modernization
Libraries are the soul of any research or academic institution. They form the most vital forum of education, especially in the field of technical education. Due to the rapid pace of development taking place in various fields of science and technology (S and T) it become imperative for the libraries to remain up-to-date with the latest advances in technology so that the dissemination of information becomes efficient, quick, feasible, economic, accessible and useful.
The utility of a library depends largely on its collection. Therefore, it is very important that utmost care should be taken to select and maintain a good and strong collection of documents such as books, periodicals, hand books, reference books, dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias and various other related information. Building and developing a library collection able to meet the needs of users, such as scientists, students, research scholars and others adequately is a major task of a good library. The quality of services provided and the satisfaction of the users depend a great deal upon the kinds of collections made available. A comprehensive, balanced and up-to-date collection is to have documents of different types in various physical forms to satisfy the informational needs of the users.
The basic aim of a library is to provide efficient services to its users. Therefore, user satisfaction should be the main goal of a good librarian. This goal can not be achieved unless and until the library management has got a clear idea about the user needs and demands. The library should be well-equipped besides having a good and strong collection of documents. Variety of services should be offered to cater to the needs of its users. Latest and up-to-date technology should be adopted in order to provide better services.
In the modern era of information explosion which has led to the evolution of multidisciplinary domains in the different fields of S and T the user demand and expectations have grown tremendously. In order to meet this challenge the library should be well equipped with the modern tools of information storage and its retrieval so that the right information is made available to the right user at the right place and at the right time.
With the advent of computers and Internet a transformation is taking place in the information infrastructure leading to the development of digital or electronic libraries. The latest advances in the field of information technology, telecommunications, software, networking, multimedia and scanning technology have produced a revolutionary change in the field of library and information technology. Networking technologies have resulted in the creation of virtual or on-line libraries which are immensely popular with the users and proving to be a boon for the society as a whole due to the instant access of information anytime and anywhere in the world. Thus the barriers of time and space have been shattered and the vast world has been reduced into a "global village" where anyone can have immediate access to the information of his/her choice by using the techniques of computer software, networking and scanning technologies.
A digital library may be defined as an electronic version of a traditional library where all the information is stored and preserved in digital form. In a digital library the data accessed includes non-text information such as photographs, drawings, illustrations, works of art; streams of numeric data (satellite information, cosmological data); digitized sound and moving visual images and 3 D representations (holograms) besides traditional text based information.
There are many Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh where digitization and networking of libraries can give a big boost not only to the enhancement of the quality and standard of services available in the hospitals but also help to a great extent in the promotion of medical studies and research. But the implementation of this process of digitization and networking of libraries depends a great deal upon the role and attitude of the librarians towards this comprehensive process for its success.
Review of literature
Many sources of information both published and unpublished have been consulted to develop a clear concept of the proposed study. It has been observed that the digitization and networking process in the field of library and information science has helped to a great extent in the effective and instant dissemination of right information at right cost at right time to the right user.
The objectives of the proposed study are as follows: -
1) To assess the role and attitude of librarians in the success of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
2) To study the size and nature of collection in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
3) To examine the level of digitization in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
4) To study the methods employed for digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
5) To study the existing library services and facilities offered by the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
6) To study the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
7) To study the effectiveness and efficiency of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
8) To assess the demand and popularity of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
9) To study the problems and challenges faced by librarians in the process of digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
10) To make suggestions for improvement in the process of digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
11) To discover the limitations in the process of digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
This study will be based on the survey of the libraries of the Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh. For this purpose the libraries of only those Allopathic Medical Colleges are included which have been approved by the Medical Council of India (MCI) to run MBBS course of study and entitled to award the degree of MBBS and other degrees related to Allopathic Medicine and Surgery. The names of such Allopathic Medical Colleges selected for the proposed study are given below: -
S.N. Medical College, Agra.
G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur.
Institute of Medical sciences, B.H.U, Varanasi.
Moti Lal Nehru Medical College, Allahabad.
Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh.
L.L.R.M. Medical College, Meerut.
Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College, Jhansi.
B.R.D. Medical College, Gorakhpur.
Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad.
Sardar Patel Institute of Dental and Medical Sciences, Lucknow.
Era Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow.
Subharati Medical College, Meerut
A hypothesis may be considered as a tentative generalization of the problem under investigation. It is meant to provide the researcher with an opportunity (prior to the actual data collection) to predict the results of the study. A hypothesis is an expectation about events or a shrewd guess or a prediction of the results of the study.
As hypotheses are predictions, therefore, these are formulated before the collection of data. No hypothesis should be formulated once the data are known.
The following hypotheses have been formulated for the proposed study: -
1) The libraries of the Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh are having a rich collection of documents.
2) The Allopathic Medical Colleges' Libraries are providing a variety of services to their users.
3) The libraries of the Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh are facing certain problems.
4) There is an urgent need for the modernization of the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh according to the latest techniques such as digitization and networking of libraries.
It is planned to adopt the following method for the completion of the proposed study: -
1) Literature Search: - It shall be done by consulting the vast literature existing on the subject of digitization and networking. For this purpose different books by noted authors as well as journals and seminar papers will be studied thoroughly.
2) Questionnaire: - In order to conduct the proposed study the most important tool for the collection of data is the questionnaire. Therefore, a comprehensive questionnaire shall be designed to collect all the important and relevant data. This questionnaire shall be sent to the librarians of the concerned libraries. After obtaining the filled questionnaire the data shall be analyzed and interpreted according to the objectives of the proposed study.
3) Library Survey: - It is planned to conduct library survey for a systematic collection of data concerning libraries, their activities, operations, staff, use and users, at a given time or over a given period.
4) Interview of Librarians: - In order to collect the accurate data and obtain the views and opinion of the librarians of the concerned libraries it is also proposed to conduct personal interviews of the concerned librarians.
The following may be the utilities of the proposed study: -
1) It may be helpful in finding out the problems and difficulties faced by the librarians of the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh.
2) It may be helpful to the concerned authorities in the effective implementation of the digitization and networking process.
3) It may be helpful in finding out the prospects of the adoption digitization and networking process of the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh.
4) It may help in finding out the solution to some of those problems, which are retarding the progress of the digitization and networking process in the libraries.
5) It may be helpful to the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in resource sharing and connecting with each other via networking.
The proposed study will be divided into seven chapters, which are as follows: -
Chapter - One Introduction
Chapter - Two Medical Council of India (MCI) and the Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.: An overview.
Chapter -Three Allopathic Medical Colleges' libraries in U.P.: Present status and functions
Chapter- Four Digitization and Networking process in libraries and information centers: A brief background.
Chapter-Five Present status of digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical colleges in U.P.
Chapter-Six Comparative study of the status of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical colleges in U.P.
Chapter - Seven Conclusion and Suggestions.
Libraries are the soul of any research or academic institution. They form the most vital forum of education, especially in the field of technical education. Due to the rapid pace of development taking place in various fields of science and technology (S and T) it become imperative for the libraries to remain up-to-date with the latest advances in technology so that the dissemination of information becomes efficient, quick, feasible, economic, accessible and useful.
The utility of a library depends largely on its collection. Therefore, it is very important that utmost care should be taken to select and maintain a good and strong collection of documents such as books, periodicals, hand books, reference books, dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias and various other related information. Building and developing a library collection able to meet the needs of users, such as scientists, students, research scholars and others adequately is a major task of a good library. The quality of services provided and the satisfaction of the users depend a great deal upon the kinds of collections made available. A comprehensive, balanced and up-to-date collection is to have documents of different types in various physical forms to satisfy the informational needs of the users.
The basic aim of a library is to provide efficient services to its users. Therefore, user satisfaction should be the main goal of a good librarian. This goal can not be achieved unless and until the library management has got a clear idea about the user needs and demands. The library should be well-equipped besides having a good and strong collection of documents. Variety of services should be offered to cater to the needs of its users. Latest and up-to-date technology should be adopted in order to provide better services.
In the modern era of information explosion which has led to the evolution of multidisciplinary domains in the different fields of S and T the user demand and expectations have grown tremendously. In order to meet this challenge the library should be well equipped with the modern tools of information storage and its retrieval so that the right information is made available to the right user at the right place and at the right time.
With the advent of computers and Internet a transformation is taking place in the information infrastructure leading to the development of digital or electronic libraries. The latest advances in the field of information technology, telecommunications, software, networking, multimedia and scanning technology have produced a revolutionary change in the field of library and information technology. Networking technologies have resulted in the creation of virtual or on-line libraries which are immensely popular with the users and proving to be a boon for the society as a whole due to the instant access of information anytime and anywhere in the world. Thus the barriers of time and space have been shattered and the vast world has been reduced into a "global village" where anyone can have immediate access to the information of his/her choice by using the techniques of computer software, networking and scanning technologies.
A digital library may be defined as an electronic version of a traditional library where all the information is stored and preserved in digital form. In a digital library the data accessed includes non-text information such as photographs, drawings, illustrations, works of art; streams of numeric data (satellite information, cosmological data); digitized sound and moving visual images and 3 D representations (holograms) besides traditional text based information.
There are many Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh where digitization and networking of libraries can give a big boost not only to the enhancement of the quality and standard of services available in the hospitals but also help to a great extent in the promotion of medical studies and research. But the implementation of this process of digitization and networking of libraries depends a great deal upon the role and attitude of the librarians towards this comprehensive process for its success.
Review of literature
Many sources of information both published and unpublished have been consulted to develop a clear concept of the proposed study. It has been observed that the digitization and networking process in the field of library and information science has helped to a great extent in the effective and instant dissemination of right information at right cost at right time to the right user.
The objectives of the proposed study are as follows: -
1) To assess the role and attitude of librarians in the success of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
2) To study the size and nature of collection in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
3) To examine the level of digitization in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
4) To study the methods employed for digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
5) To study the existing library services and facilities offered by the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
6) To study the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
7) To study the effectiveness and efficiency of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
8) To assess the demand and popularity of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
9) To study the problems and challenges faced by librarians in the process of digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
10) To make suggestions for improvement in the process of digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
11) To discover the limitations in the process of digitization and networking in the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.
This study will be based on the survey of the libraries of the Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh. For this purpose the libraries of only those Allopathic Medical Colleges are included which have been approved by the Medical Council of India (MCI) to run MBBS course of study and entitled to award the degree of MBBS and other degrees related to Allopathic Medicine and Surgery. The names of such Allopathic Medical Colleges selected for the proposed study are given below: -
S.N. Medical College, Agra.
G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur.
Institute of Medical sciences, B.H.U, Varanasi.
Moti Lal Nehru Medical College, Allahabad.
Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh.
L.L.R.M. Medical College, Meerut.
Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College, Jhansi.
B.R.D. Medical College, Gorakhpur.
Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad.
Sardar Patel Institute of Dental and Medical Sciences, Lucknow.
Era Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow.
Subharati Medical College, Meerut
A hypothesis may be considered as a tentative generalization of the problem under investigation. It is meant to provide the researcher with an opportunity (prior to the actual data collection) to predict the results of the study. A hypothesis is an expectation about events or a shrewd guess or a prediction of the results of the study.
As hypotheses are predictions, therefore, these are formulated before the collection of data. No hypothesis should be formulated once the data are known.
The following hypotheses have been formulated for the proposed study: -
1) The libraries of the Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh are having a rich collection of documents.
2) The Allopathic Medical Colleges' Libraries are providing a variety of services to their users.
3) The libraries of the Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh are facing certain problems.
4) There is an urgent need for the modernization of the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh according to the latest techniques such as digitization and networking of libraries.
It is planned to adopt the following method for the completion of the proposed study: -
1) Literature Search: - It shall be done by consulting the vast literature existing on the subject of digitization and networking. For this purpose different books by noted authors as well as journals and seminar papers will be studied thoroughly.
2) Questionnaire: - In order to conduct the proposed study the most important tool for the collection of data is the questionnaire. Therefore, a comprehensive questionnaire shall be designed to collect all the important and relevant data. This questionnaire shall be sent to the librarians of the concerned libraries. After obtaining the filled questionnaire the data shall be analyzed and interpreted according to the objectives of the proposed study.
3) Library Survey: - It is planned to conduct library survey for a systematic collection of data concerning libraries, their activities, operations, staff, use and users, at a given time or over a given period.
4) Interview of Librarians: - In order to collect the accurate data and obtain the views and opinion of the librarians of the concerned libraries it is also proposed to conduct personal interviews of the concerned librarians.
The following may be the utilities of the proposed study: -
1) It may be helpful in finding out the problems and difficulties faced by the librarians of the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh.
2) It may be helpful to the concerned authorities in the effective implementation of the digitization and networking process.
3) It may be helpful in finding out the prospects of the adoption digitization and networking process of the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh.
4) It may help in finding out the solution to some of those problems, which are retarding the progress of the digitization and networking process in the libraries.
5) It may be helpful to the libraries of Allopathic Medical Colleges in resource sharing and connecting with each other via networking.
The proposed study will be divided into seven chapters, which are as follows: -
Chapter - One Introduction
Chapter - Two Medical Council of India (MCI) and the Allopathic Medical Colleges in U.P.: An overview.
Chapter -Three Allopathic Medical Colleges' libraries in U.P.: Present status and functions
Chapter- Four Digitization and Networking process in libraries and information centers: A brief background.
Chapter-Five Present status of digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical colleges in U.P.
Chapter-Six Comparative study of the status of the digitization and networking process in the libraries of Allopathic Medical colleges in U.P.
Chapter - Seven Conclusion and Suggestions.
Kamis, 12 Oktober 2017
Technology in the Classroom - Six Easy, Inexpensive Ways to Use Technology in Your Curriculum
Educators worldwide have been issued the same challenge: integrate technology into your curriculum. Still, teachers are hard pressed to find concrete suggestions for using technology. Never fear. There are many ideas on this page. What follows are six easy ways to integrate technology into your curriculum. These suggestions will make your tech use organic to your classroom and user-friendly for you and your students.
1. Appoint a Librarian. During readings and discussions, appoint a student as the class librarian. This student can use a computer to access online encyclopedias, dictionaries, author websites, and other references. As unknown references come up, have the librarian do quick research and then report back while the class moves forward. Appointing a class librarian is a great way to increase understanding without interrupting the flow of the lesson.
2. Add Commentary. Have students submit writing assignments to you as email attachments. Then, use the Comment function in Microsoft Word to post responses on student writing. Save each draft to create an electronic portfolio for each student. You can refer to this portfolio in parent conferences, specialist meetings, and student meetings. You can also use these comments to help with your progress report writing.
3. Go Over Their Heads. Use an overhead projector or an LCD projector instead of handouts. This is especially useful for pop quizzes, directions to activities, or short whole-group reading passages. Using an overhead projector instead of paper is also a great start towards a greener classroom.
4. Refer to the Text. Use text messaging to send quick reminders. Imagine a text to students about important projects or homework assignments. Imagine a text to parents reminding them about permission slips or parent-teacher meetings. Texting is greener, quicker, and more reliable than paper notices.
5. Fan the Flames. Start a Facebook fan page. Use this page to post discussion questions and website links. This page can also be used to initiate conversations about books or current events related to themes and activities in your class.
6. Add Hype with Skype. Skype is an Internet service that offers free calling and video conferencing between computers. Imagine facilitating a discussion with students from a school across the country, or across the globe, about a novel or a current event. Many authors offer free or inexpensive online book chats. Use Skype to bring experts into the classroom without the hassle or expense of airfare, hotels, cabs, or other scheduling nightmares.
Integrating technology in the classroom need not be frustrating or gratuitous. Moreover, using technology does not require that you teach at a school with millions in endowment or Ivy-League-level resources. The above strategies will help you incorporate technology into your classroom in ways that are easy, valuable, and inexpensive.
1. Appoint a Librarian. During readings and discussions, appoint a student as the class librarian. This student can use a computer to access online encyclopedias, dictionaries, author websites, and other references. As unknown references come up, have the librarian do quick research and then report back while the class moves forward. Appointing a class librarian is a great way to increase understanding without interrupting the flow of the lesson.
2. Add Commentary. Have students submit writing assignments to you as email attachments. Then, use the Comment function in Microsoft Word to post responses on student writing. Save each draft to create an electronic portfolio for each student. You can refer to this portfolio in parent conferences, specialist meetings, and student meetings. You can also use these comments to help with your progress report writing.
3. Go Over Their Heads. Use an overhead projector or an LCD projector instead of handouts. This is especially useful for pop quizzes, directions to activities, or short whole-group reading passages. Using an overhead projector instead of paper is also a great start towards a greener classroom.
4. Refer to the Text. Use text messaging to send quick reminders. Imagine a text to students about important projects or homework assignments. Imagine a text to parents reminding them about permission slips or parent-teacher meetings. Texting is greener, quicker, and more reliable than paper notices.
5. Fan the Flames. Start a Facebook fan page. Use this page to post discussion questions and website links. This page can also be used to initiate conversations about books or current events related to themes and activities in your class.
6. Add Hype with Skype. Skype is an Internet service that offers free calling and video conferencing between computers. Imagine facilitating a discussion with students from a school across the country, or across the globe, about a novel or a current event. Many authors offer free or inexpensive online book chats. Use Skype to bring experts into the classroom without the hassle or expense of airfare, hotels, cabs, or other scheduling nightmares.
Integrating technology in the classroom need not be frustrating or gratuitous. Moreover, using technology does not require that you teach at a school with millions in endowment or Ivy-League-level resources. The above strategies will help you incorporate technology into your classroom in ways that are easy, valuable, and inexpensive.
Kamis, 28 September 2017
You Should Read the Dictionary - I Know it Sounds Crazy, But You Will Be Glad You Did
Who on Earth would bother to read the dictionary? Well, you are reading an article about someone who did and has read several dictionaries from cover to cover, and I must say has learned a lot along the way. And just in case you think I am crazy, did you know Bill Gates read the entire encyclopedia? Do you think Bill Gates is crazy? What is it that people who read reference books gain? Hmm, well, I think you ought to find out that answer to that yourself.
In fact, I am going to recommend that you read the dictionary, no, not the unabridged Oxford version that is one foot square and ten inches high, yes, I have one of those. It does have just about every word you'll ever read except for the create-a-word blogging bandits vocabulary. Rather, I am going to recommend that you read a smaller version with adequate print. My choice is the;
"Webster's Dictionary" with over 50,000 entries for home, school and office. Edited by John Gage Allee, Ph.D. 1978.
Why do I recommend an older version? Well it does not have all the new buzz words or recent words that you already know, so you are do not have any silly distractions. It's only 446 pages and that is not much bigger than a long novel. Yes the print is smaller than a novel, so maybe its equivalent to a 892 page book, but you can handle that, you are a grown up now. And even if you read only one letter per day you will finish in a month without breaking a sweat and your mind will have more time to soak it up too. Go for it.
In fact, I am going to recommend that you read the dictionary, no, not the unabridged Oxford version that is one foot square and ten inches high, yes, I have one of those. It does have just about every word you'll ever read except for the create-a-word blogging bandits vocabulary. Rather, I am going to recommend that you read a smaller version with adequate print. My choice is the;
"Webster's Dictionary" with over 50,000 entries for home, school and office. Edited by John Gage Allee, Ph.D. 1978.
Why do I recommend an older version? Well it does not have all the new buzz words or recent words that you already know, so you are do not have any silly distractions. It's only 446 pages and that is not much bigger than a long novel. Yes the print is smaller than a novel, so maybe its equivalent to a 892 page book, but you can handle that, you are a grown up now. And even if you read only one letter per day you will finish in a month without breaking a sweat and your mind will have more time to soak it up too. Go for it.
Senin, 11 September 2017
Using Online Encyclopedia and Reference Resources - How They Help Students, Teachers and Researchers
There has been a giant leap in the amount of research that is being done by students, teachers, and research alike. While its use has increased, there is still a large majority of these groups who either prefer not to utilize online resources, or simply do not know how. There is also a large percentage of individuals, especially in the academic arena, that find online encyclopedias unreliable. This mindset has proved to be an unfortunate one because online reference materials are often as factually correct as their printed counterparts. In order to discuss the benefits of finding facts online, it is important to address the issue from the standpoint of both a student as well as a teacher/researcher.
Student Benefits of Using an Online Encyclopedia
1. Speed
It is much faster to use online encyclopedias to do research than to spend hours in the library. When working online, the student needs to simply find the encyclopedia of their choice and type in a search phrase. From here, the student can be given a number of articles relating to the focus of their research. They will be able to amass a wealth of information in a matter of minutes. This same process can take literally hours when using printed materials in a library.
2. Updated Information
When using an online encyclopedia, students will receive updated information. If the facts change, these changes will be reflected by the online reference materials. With printed materials this simply isn't possible. Once a book is printed, it cannot be changed. Many schools and libraries have encyclopedias that are five or ten years old. Students that are forced to use these materials, may be absorbing information that has been long out of date.
3. Depth and Breadth
Because online encyclopedias are constantly being updated, they often have more depth and breadth than a traditional encyclopedia. This gives students a chance to find much more information on any given subject. Additionally, if they are focusing on a topic that is not well known, it may not be found in traditional printed reference materials. A final advantage is that when there is a citation or footnote in an online encyclopedia, it is often accompanied by a link to the original source. This gives students an easy way to gather more information as well as easily reference original sources.
Teachers and Researchers Benefits to Using Online Encyclopedias
1. Create a Connection
Students are using the internet and all that it has to offer at a continually growing rate. By utilizing online reference materials, you are able to make a connection with the students. This will normally increase their attention to the project as well as increase their overall level of engagement. A more engaged student will not only work harder, but will also naturally retain more of the information that they find.
2. Image Building
In order for a teacher or researcher to be taken seriously and be more respected, they must gain the approval of their audience. With more people utilizing the internet, a teacher or researcher will naturally appear that they have utilized resources that their audience would find acceptable, thus improving their image.
Should Online Encyclopedias and Reference Materials Trusted?
While the benefits of using online reference materials to find important facts, whether or not they can be trusted has been up for debate for some time. At the core of this debate, there is one major issue; where do online reference materials and encyclopedias get their information. If they are getting their information from low-quality resources, then the information is likely to be incorrect. There are many printed encyclopedias and reference materials that have been replicated online, such as the Encyclopedia Britannica, and are considered to be legitimate. However, the most popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia and similar websites, is often criticized.
Since anyone can contribute to Wikipedia, many scholars argue that it is full of mistakes and inaccurate information. The founders of Wikipedia admit that some of the information may be inaccurate, however in total it has been found to be shockingly factual. In order to contribute to a Wikipedia entry, it must be cited. It is then reviewed by editors and the citation must be from a source that is unbiased and proven to be factually accurate. In fact, several studies have been conducted and concluded that Wikipedia is nearly as factually accurate Encyclopedia Britannica and Encarta. If you are still wondering if Wikipedia can be trusted, keep in mind that it took over 70 years and thousands of contributors, including an inmate in an asylum for the criminally insane, to create the original Oxford English Dictionary. Just because thousands of people have made a contribution, that doesn't inherently make the information incorrect.
Student Benefits of Using an Online Encyclopedia
1. Speed
It is much faster to use online encyclopedias to do research than to spend hours in the library. When working online, the student needs to simply find the encyclopedia of their choice and type in a search phrase. From here, the student can be given a number of articles relating to the focus of their research. They will be able to amass a wealth of information in a matter of minutes. This same process can take literally hours when using printed materials in a library.
2. Updated Information
When using an online encyclopedia, students will receive updated information. If the facts change, these changes will be reflected by the online reference materials. With printed materials this simply isn't possible. Once a book is printed, it cannot be changed. Many schools and libraries have encyclopedias that are five or ten years old. Students that are forced to use these materials, may be absorbing information that has been long out of date.
3. Depth and Breadth
Because online encyclopedias are constantly being updated, they often have more depth and breadth than a traditional encyclopedia. This gives students a chance to find much more information on any given subject. Additionally, if they are focusing on a topic that is not well known, it may not be found in traditional printed reference materials. A final advantage is that when there is a citation or footnote in an online encyclopedia, it is often accompanied by a link to the original source. This gives students an easy way to gather more information as well as easily reference original sources.
Teachers and Researchers Benefits to Using Online Encyclopedias
1. Create a Connection
Students are using the internet and all that it has to offer at a continually growing rate. By utilizing online reference materials, you are able to make a connection with the students. This will normally increase their attention to the project as well as increase their overall level of engagement. A more engaged student will not only work harder, but will also naturally retain more of the information that they find.
2. Image Building
In order for a teacher or researcher to be taken seriously and be more respected, they must gain the approval of their audience. With more people utilizing the internet, a teacher or researcher will naturally appear that they have utilized resources that their audience would find acceptable, thus improving their image.
Should Online Encyclopedias and Reference Materials Trusted?
While the benefits of using online reference materials to find important facts, whether or not they can be trusted has been up for debate for some time. At the core of this debate, there is one major issue; where do online reference materials and encyclopedias get their information. If they are getting their information from low-quality resources, then the information is likely to be incorrect. There are many printed encyclopedias and reference materials that have been replicated online, such as the Encyclopedia Britannica, and are considered to be legitimate. However, the most popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia and similar websites, is often criticized.
Since anyone can contribute to Wikipedia, many scholars argue that it is full of mistakes and inaccurate information. The founders of Wikipedia admit that some of the information may be inaccurate, however in total it has been found to be shockingly factual. In order to contribute to a Wikipedia entry, it must be cited. It is then reviewed by editors and the citation must be from a source that is unbiased and proven to be factually accurate. In fact, several studies have been conducted and concluded that Wikipedia is nearly as factually accurate Encyclopedia Britannica and Encarta. If you are still wondering if Wikipedia can be trusted, keep in mind that it took over 70 years and thousands of contributors, including an inmate in an asylum for the criminally insane, to create the original Oxford English Dictionary. Just because thousands of people have made a contribution, that doesn't inherently make the information incorrect.
has been a giant leap in the amount of research that is being done by
students, teachers, and research alike. While its use has increased,
there is still a large majority of these groups who either prefer not to
utilize online resources, or simply do not know how. There is also a
large percentage of individuals, especially in the academic arena, that
find online encyclopedias unreliable. This mindset has proved to be an
unfortunate one because online reference materials are often as
factually correct as their printed counterparts. In order to discuss the
benefits of finding facts online, it is important to address the issue
from the standpoint of both a student as well as a teacher/researcher.
Student Benefits of Using an Online Encyclopedia
1. Speed
It is much faster to use online encyclopedias to do research than to spend hours in the library. When working online, the student needs to simply find the encyclopedia of their choice and type in a search phrase. From here, the student can be given a number of articles relating to the focus of their research. They will be able to amass a wealth of information in a matter of minutes. This same process can take literally hours when using printed materials in a library.
2. Updated Information
When using an online encyclopedia, students will receive updated information. If the facts change, these changes will be reflected by the online reference materials. With printed materials this simply isn't possible. Once a book is printed, it cannot be changed. Many schools and libraries have encyclopedias that are five or ten years old. Students that are forced to use these materials, may be absorbing information that has been long out of date.
3. Depth and Breadth
Because online encyclopedias are constantly being updated, they often have more depth and breadth than a traditional encyclopedia. This gives students a chance to find much more information on any given subject. Additionally, if they are focusing on a topic that is not well known, it may not be found in traditional printed reference materials. A final advantage is that when there is a citation or footnote in an online encyclopedia, it is often accompanied by a link to the original source. This gives students an easy way to gather more information as well as easily reference original sources.
Teachers and Researchers Benefits to Using Online Encyclopedias
1. Create a Connection
Students are using the internet and all that it has to offer at a continually growing rate. By utilizing online reference materials, you are able to make a connection with the students. This will normally increase their attention to the project as well as increase their overall level of engagement. A more engaged student will not only work harder, but will also naturally retain more of the information that they find.
2. Image Building
In order for a teacher or researcher to be taken seriously and be more respected, they must gain the approval of their audience. With more people utilizing the internet, a teacher or researcher will naturally appear that they have utilized resources that their audience would find acceptable, thus improving their image.
Should Online Encyclopedias and Reference Materials Trusted?
While the benefits of using online reference materials to find important facts, whether or not they can be trusted has been up for debate for some time. At the core of this debate, there is one major issue; where do online reference materials and encyclopedias get their information. If they are getting their information from low-quality resources, then the information is likely to be incorrect. There are many printed encyclopedias and reference materials that have been replicated online, such as the Encyclopedia Britannica, and are considered to be legitimate. However, the most popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia and similar websites, is often criticized.
Since anyone can contribute to Wikipedia, many scholars argue that it is full of mistakes and inaccurate information. The founders of Wikipedia admit that some of the information may be inaccurate, however in total it has been found to be shockingly factual. In order to contribute to a Wikipedia entry, it must be cited. It is then reviewed by editors and the citation must be from a source that is unbiased and proven to be factually accurate. In fact, several studies have been conducted and concluded that Wikipedia is nearly as factually accurate Encyclopedia Britannica and Encarta. If you are still wondering if Wikipedia can be trusted, keep in mind that it took over 70 years and thousands of contributors, including an inmate in an asylum for the criminally insane, to create the original Oxford English Dictionary. Just because thousands of people have made a contribution, that doesn't inherently make the information incorrect.
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Student Benefits of Using an Online Encyclopedia
1. Speed
It is much faster to use online encyclopedias to do research than to spend hours in the library. When working online, the student needs to simply find the encyclopedia of their choice and type in a search phrase. From here, the student can be given a number of articles relating to the focus of their research. They will be able to amass a wealth of information in a matter of minutes. This same process can take literally hours when using printed materials in a library.
2. Updated Information
When using an online encyclopedia, students will receive updated information. If the facts change, these changes will be reflected by the online reference materials. With printed materials this simply isn't possible. Once a book is printed, it cannot be changed. Many schools and libraries have encyclopedias that are five or ten years old. Students that are forced to use these materials, may be absorbing information that has been long out of date.
3. Depth and Breadth
Because online encyclopedias are constantly being updated, they often have more depth and breadth than a traditional encyclopedia. This gives students a chance to find much more information on any given subject. Additionally, if they are focusing on a topic that is not well known, it may not be found in traditional printed reference materials. A final advantage is that when there is a citation or footnote in an online encyclopedia, it is often accompanied by a link to the original source. This gives students an easy way to gather more information as well as easily reference original sources.
Teachers and Researchers Benefits to Using Online Encyclopedias
1. Create a Connection
Students are using the internet and all that it has to offer at a continually growing rate. By utilizing online reference materials, you are able to make a connection with the students. This will normally increase their attention to the project as well as increase their overall level of engagement. A more engaged student will not only work harder, but will also naturally retain more of the information that they find.
2. Image Building
In order for a teacher or researcher to be taken seriously and be more respected, they must gain the approval of their audience. With more people utilizing the internet, a teacher or researcher will naturally appear that they have utilized resources that their audience would find acceptable, thus improving their image.
Should Online Encyclopedias and Reference Materials Trusted?
While the benefits of using online reference materials to find important facts, whether or not they can be trusted has been up for debate for some time. At the core of this debate, there is one major issue; where do online reference materials and encyclopedias get their information. If they are getting their information from low-quality resources, then the information is likely to be incorrect. There are many printed encyclopedias and reference materials that have been replicated online, such as the Encyclopedia Britannica, and are considered to be legitimate. However, the most popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia and similar websites, is often criticized.
Since anyone can contribute to Wikipedia, many scholars argue that it is full of mistakes and inaccurate information. The founders of Wikipedia admit that some of the information may be inaccurate, however in total it has been found to be shockingly factual. In order to contribute to a Wikipedia entry, it must be cited. It is then reviewed by editors and the citation must be from a source that is unbiased and proven to be factually accurate. In fact, several studies have been conducted and concluded that Wikipedia is nearly as factually accurate Encyclopedia Britannica and Encarta. If you are still wondering if Wikipedia can be trusted, keep in mind that it took over 70 years and thousands of contributors, including an inmate in an asylum for the criminally insane, to create the original Oxford English Dictionary. Just because thousands of people have made a contribution, that doesn't inherently make the information incorrect.
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